In the sad realization that our Milo updates are unacceptably overdue, I am going to post an update for each month of his life starting with Milo now: Nine Months old.
The best way to describe you right now is to say you have absolutely no sense of self-preservation. You are a climber. You are a race crawler. You can not be contained. your constant bruises and bumps seem to only momentarily phase you. Thankfully, you very quickly learned how to fall on your butt and spare your head. I spend all of my time with you making sure you do not seriously injure yourself. Our basement, which we have planned to be our child proofed wonderland, has yet to be finished, so we are confined to a limited area for your exploration. I created a baracade around the parameter of the living room that you easily conquered once you started pulling yourself up on everything in sight. You actually used part of it as a step stool to climb onto the coffee table when I once left the room for fourteen seconds.
I do not feel at all ready to take on a daredevil like you. Your brother's idea for thrill-seeking is dancing in public. I have realized I need to mentally prepare for what's in store for me as your momma. I'm not gonna lie, I'm scared. Thank god for
In addition to your active nature, you are incredibly handsome. I am daily overwhelmed by your cuteness (ask your dad, we talk about it all of the time). It hurts my cavities to look at your beautiful face for too long. You are constantly smiling and have only recently started to do so in a way that allows us to see your gigantic top front teeth. We used to crack up when we would lift up your top lip to peek at your teeth, because we never saw them otherwise.
New foods you like include yogurt, and any tiny self feeding snacks like Cheerieos and fruit puffs. You've mastered the pincher grasp and like to put that talent to use. Again, much like your thumb sucking, you mostly use your left hand.
You adore Henry. You actually play together, chasing each other crawling around the house. You freely give hugs and kisses to all of us. You are a lot of work and a ton of joy. In the words of your older brother, you are one of my best friends in the WHOLE...WIDE...WORLD!