Thursday, July 16, 2009

Month Seven: upright and mobile

You started crawling and I started losing my mind. You would get so excited by your new mobile existence that you would often grunt and scream as you went along. Henry was especially appreciative of this milestone. He loved (and still loves) crawling around with you.

At this time, your interests included power cords, power outlets, and attempting to pull heavy things on your head.

The majority of your wardrobe at this time was size 18 months. Yes, that's right.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Month Six: The calm before the storm

This month you began sitting up unassisted. You started pushing yourself up on all fours. You like playing in your crib with Henry. This is one of my favorite things you do because it gives you play time with Henry and it gives mommy time to clean the kitchen. At least part of the kitchen.

Your food repertoire expanded to include sweet potatoes, pears, apples, squash, peas and the occasional avacado. You did not appreciate green beans.

You loved jumping in your door jumper and liked to fling your body out as far as you could.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Month Five: hello cereal, j play

Your hard teething started at four months, but you got your first teeth this month. It seems like you have not had a break since they first started popping up. As I write this (9 months old) you have eight teeth.

Your introduction to cereal went swimmingly and we finally started getting more sleep. No matter what we tried to get you to stay awake later, your bedtime was six pm. sharp. You really started to love being around Henry. you were most content when you were "playing" with him in his room.

You began a short lived love affair with your thumb. Only your left one. For about two months, it was constantly in your mouth. You would only remove it momentarily to get a bite of food. You slowly started using it only when you were tired or upset, and now not at all. It was really freaking cute.

You started pushing your body up with your arms. You would stretch and scoot or roll your body to retrieve toys just out of your reach. Yes, you were extremely active from the get go.

Also this month, in an attempt to combat stir craziness and mombutt, we joined the nearby Jewish Community Center. The JCC has been such a destination for us this year. I don't know what we would have done with out it. You and your bro absolutely love it.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Month Four: Firsts

You moved into your new bedroom in our new house. You touched snow. You started to belly laugh.

This month was such a blur because it was all about getting used to being with you boys on my own during the day. Early on, I locked myself out of the house with you boys inside. It was snowing. I was wearing my pajamas. I remember looking through the window at your sweet little feet kicking away at the toys hanging down from your activity mat. I could hear your brother asking me for more eggs, from way up high on his new tall big boy seat. Then, yada, yada, yada, you children survived, unscathed, no toes were lost to frostbite, and thankfully our neighbors no longer think I am completely out of my mind.

By the end of this month, there had been an investment of approximately one hundred and fifty American dollars in the effort to get you to not be completely dependent on me for your feedings. We tried every bottle, nipple, and a top of the line warmer. It was with a heavy heart that I finally accepted your stance on the matter.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Month Three: You're Steering this ship

This month you began to put yourself on a schedule. It took your Grandma pointing this out to me before I noticed and began accommodating you (I was not completely oblivious, there was just a lot going on in these early days). At nine thirty in the morning and one in the afternoon, I would nurse you in your quiet bedroom and lay you down for regular naps. We did the same at bedtime. I realized how regular you feeding had become as well.

At three months old, you were wearing nine month old sleepers. You were very active, requiring a change of scenery every fifteen minutes or so. You were tired of the swing at this point, but liked laying on your activity mat and in your crib kicking with your mobile. We often had to strap on the Baby Bjorn and walk around with you to keep you entertained.

Thankfully, you really liked being in your car seat, because we dragged you around all over while we were looking for our house. You had your first little cold which stressed me out because you were so congested, I had to nurse you while you sat upright. You also learned to roll over which led to your sleep position of choice: face-down with your eyes resting on your hands. Try as we might to readjust you, you would always go back to smashing your face into the mattress.

This month, you had your first Christmas and first round of immunizations. You took your shots without even flinching. Let's just say that is not exactly the reaction with which we were used to dealing.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Month Two: adaptability

This was a big month for us all. We moved across country and then dragged your little self on a two week beach vacation. You were such a great traveller. Your naps were not as long as I would have liked, but I was appreciative of every one. Again, I remember this being very tired month for us all. This was also the month that I was first left alone with you and your brother. I don't remember how it went, but I do remember making the declaration that I would never be taking you boys out anywhere together by myself.

Throughout this month, we were still trying to get you to take a bottle. When I say that we were very determined,.

Your neck was super strong. You were great at holding your head up when we were holding you. We never really had to give you tummy time. When you were tired or concentrating, your eyebrows made back to back capital Ls that curve down at the bottom (you can kind of see in the picture here). You still do this now. I love it.

The best thing to happen this month was seeing your first beautiful smile.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Month One: And then there were four

After several crazy false alarms, you came into this world swiftly in a body much larger than expected. Your aunt Erin and I were surprised by the generous size of your nose (it was normal size by day two). You had a red birthmark on your left eyelid, which has since faded and is still noticeable sometimes when you cry. You were BEAUTIFUL. I could not stop staring at you and kissing your face and touching the dimple on your chin. You were so tiny and sweet and made me immediately want this to not be the last time we have a little baby in our lives.

The first month after your arrival was mostly marked by adjusting to life with two babies. You were a good eater but rarely slept for more than two hours at a time. As with most month old babies, there was not much else going on outside of the usual diaper changing, feeding and sleeping. You logged some hours in the baby swing during the day and slept in a bassinet next to our bed at night. We introduced a bottle when you were four weeks old. You were not receptive, but we figured with some practice, you would take one in no time. I remember all of us being tired. I remember my boobs hurting. I remember being constantly thankful to have a healthy boy. We knew we were lucky.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Milo Now

In the sad realization that our Milo updates are unacceptably overdue, I am going to post an update for each month of his life starting with Milo now: Nine Months old.

The best way to describe you right now is to say you have absolutely no sense of self-preservation. You are a climber. You are a race crawler. You can not be contained. your constant bruises and bumps seem to only momentarily phase you. Thankfully, you very quickly learned how to fall on your butt and spare your head. I spend all of my time with you making sure you do not seriously injure yourself. Our basement, which we have planned to be our child proofed wonderland, has yet to be finished, so we are confined to a limited area for your exploration. I created a baracade around the parameter of the living room that you easily conquered once you started pulling yourself up on everything in sight. You actually used part of it as a step stool to climb onto the coffee table when I once left the room for fourteen seconds.

I do not feel at all ready to take on a daredevil like you. Your brother's idea for thrill-seeking is dancing in public. I have realized I need to mentally prepare for what's in store for me as your momma. I'm not gonna lie, I'm scared. Thank god for Jplay.

In addition to your active nature, you are incredibly handsome. I am daily overwhelmed by your cuteness (ask your dad, we talk about it all of the time). It hurts my cavities to look at your beautiful face for too long. You are constantly smiling and have only recently started to do so in a way that allows us to see your gigantic top front teeth. We used to crack up when we would lift up your top lip to peek at your teeth, because we never saw them otherwise.

New foods you like include yogurt, and any tiny self feeding snacks like Cheerieos and fruit puffs. You've mastered the pincher grasp and like to put that talent to use. Again, much like your thumb sucking, you mostly use your left hand.

You adore Henry. You actually play together, chasing each other crawling around the house. You freely give hugs and kisses to all of us. You are a lot of work and a ton of joy. In the words of your older brother, you are one of my best friends in the WHOLE...WIDE...WORLD!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

summer snaps